National Pepperoni Day 2021

Pepperoni Posse Donations

 National Pepperoni Day Pledges

Saturday 9/18

  • Scottie’s Pizza Parlor: 30% of ‘roni (including vegan pepperoni) sales to Sisters of the Road

Sunday 9/19

  • PizzaLeah: 15% of ‘roni sales for Farm to Pantry

  • Evolution Bake: 20% of ‘roni sales to Food Shift

  • Slice Project Watsonville: 10% of food sales to Second Harvest Food Bank of Santa Cruz County

National Pepperoni Pizza Day! 9/20

  • State of Mind: 10% of ‘roni sales to Community Service Agency of Mountain View

  • Slice of SF: 10% of ‘roni sales and 20% of Pepperoni Posse shirts to Food Shift

  • Longbridge: 50% of ‘roni sales to SF/Marin Food Bank

  • Pizzeria Delfina: 10% of ‘roni sales to Food Shift

  • Fiorella: 10% of ‘roni sales to Food Shift

  • Sunset Squares: 10% of ‘roni sales to Save the Children

  • Square Pie Guys: 10% of ‘roni sales to Food Shift

  • Cellarmaker: 5% of ‘roni sales to EatSF’s “Vouchers 4 Veggies”

  • Damn Fine Pizza: 5% of ‘roni sales for the week of 9/20-9/26 to Sunset Neighborhood Beacon Center

  • Little Oven: 50% of ‘roni sales to Merced Food Bank

  • 24th Pizza & Meatballs: 10% of sales to Feed the Mass

  • Pizzabar 141: 10% of ‘roni sales to Feed the Children